Mrs. Catron's Class

6th grade, West Lafayette Intermediate School

Thanks for visiting my web page!  Use the links above for information about assignments, upcoming events, policies, and links.  

Meet the Teacher

I am Mrs. Catron and I am so excited to be your sixth grade teacher!  I have a firm belief that EVERYONE is intelligent and capable of learning.  It's my job to help you unlock your potential, discover your strengths, and rise to meet (and conquer!) your fears and challenges.  

Outside of school, I love being outdoors, reading, and gardening.  I have a passion for home improvement projects, Pinterest, and HGTV.  I enjoy painting (not artwork- just walls!) and find it relaxing.  Family time is very important to me.  I live with my husband, two children and two stepchildren, as well as my two dogs, Sasha and Maddie, and a cat named Leo.  

I look forward to our year together, and getting to know each and every one of you.  

Questions?  Contact me at  Email is my preferred method of communication, but you can also call the school at 765-746-0500 to speak to me or leave a voicemail.