Mrs. Stan's Website
Welcome to Mrs. Stan's 5th grade website! Fifth grade is a special year! We get to attend camp in the spring. This is part of a LOOOOOONG tradition. The camp experience has taken place over 70 years! It's great to keep the tradition going! This is the place to keep up to date with the classroom's events, homework, and helpful resources. My Google Classroom and REMIND app are also great places for information. If you have ANY questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me. I can be reached in a variety of ways:
Phone: (765)746-0500 Ext. 4343
Remind app: send a text to 81010 with the message: @mrsstansc
***Homework will be posted nightly to REMIND. You can also go to the last slide for the day on our Google Classroom site for the same slide. Planners will also be sent home nightly with homework and reminders. Please check them daily.