In our classroom, we promise to be kind and respectful. We will work as a team to grow together as a class family. We will build each other up and never break anyone down. We will do the right thing, even if no one is watching. We will do the right thing, even if it is tough. We will come to class prepared and ready to learn.

Your child will receive homework, typically, every night Monday-Thursday. Students who complete their homework and return it the next day, will be in the "Homework Club". Students that remain in Homework Club for the entire month, will earn a "free pass", which gives them a night off of homework. If an assignment is not completed in-class, the assignment will also become homework. A list of in-class and homework assignments can be found under the specific subject on this webpage.

If your child is absent, they may check my class website or Google Classroom for their make-up work. If a paper assignment is assigned during an absence, it will need to be collected upon return and completed.

Students are to come into class prepared and ready to learn. This means that your child should get a good night rest, have their backpack ready for school, and appropriate items for the day (coats, hats, etc.).

Please reach out with any concerns you may have!