Classroom Information

Classroom Expectations:

Communication is extremely important between home and school. I am a huge advocate of the students' agenda and I use them as a communication tool each day. One of my expectations is for the students to copy my agenda from the board EXACTLY how it is written. Agendas will be filled out in pencil while following the pages in order.

Homework policy:

In my class, late homework is unacceptable. Late work affects the success of our students. I expect students to be responsible for their work at school.

Homework will receive a zero if it is not received when it is due. Homework may be turned in the next day and receive 80% of the earned grade. Work that is turned in after this may receive 50% of the earned grade. Students will not be allowed to phone home and ask for their homework to be brought to school. Your child's grades are entered directly into Skyward, our grading communication tool. Please double check the grade online and the grade on the paper or project. Should you have questions or notice any discrepancies, please contact me and return the graded paper(s) in order for me to make any corrections. I encourage you and your child to check grades weekly so missing assignments and/or low grades may be kept to a minimum.

Reading Counts: For the first 9 weeks, I am requiring all students to read from the Young Hoosiers books. I encourage students to review and retake any quiz they do not pass on the 1st attempt. They will have an opportunity after Winter Break to check-out Young Hoosiers books. Students will bring a Reading contract home.

Math Placement: The 6th grade staff works diligently when considering each student's math placement. All of the 6th grade math classes use the SAME textbook. Students are divided into three groups of math instruction. Instruction for each group is paced according to the needs of the student. Students are placed on multiple criteria including; available ILearn scores, NWEA scores, teacher recommendations, math placement tests, and individual student needs. Different pacing may include reteaching or other supplemental units to enhance instruction.

Skyward Percentages

Social Studies: HW = 30% / Quizzes = 15% / Tests = 40% /Participation = 15%

Math: HW = 25% / Quizzes = 15% / Tests = 50%/Participation = 10%

Reading: HW = 25% / Accelerated Reader = 20% / Quizzes = 15% / Tests and Book Reports = 40%

Language Arts: Homework = 25% / Vocabulary Tests = 25% Language Arts Tests and Projects = 50%

Plagiarism and Cheating 6th grade policy:


1st offense:

- Student serves 2 lunch/recess detentions

- Student may earn up to 80% of the grade, depending on the severity.

2nd offense:

- Student serves 1 in-school detention

- Student receives a zero on the assignment


1st offense:

- Student will receive a 0% on the test or quiz

- Student will receive 2 lunch/recess detentions

2nd offense:

- Student will receive a 0% on the test or quiz

- Student will receive an in school detention