Homework Policy

Homework is expected to be turned in upon arrival to each class period.  Assignments turned in one day late will have a 10% deduction, two days late will have a 20% deduction, and three or more days late will be 0%.  This is the homework policy for the 5th grade team and is used in all classrooms.

Your child's grades are entered directly into Skyward.  Please double check the online grade and your child's assignments that they'll receive on Mondays.  Should you notice any discrepancies, please don't hesitate to contact me.  I would encourage you and your child to check grades weekly so missing assignments may be kept to a minimum.

Skyward Percentages:


30% spelling

30% grammar

40% writing


40% assignments

40% tests/projects/quizzes

20% vocabulary


40% classwork

40% tests/quizzes

20% homework


40% tests/quizzes

30% assignments

30% projects/labs


30% projects

30% assignments

40% tests/quizzes