Reading Lists

A note about Book Levels (Lexile)

Hello Parents,

Reading is such an important part of your child's development. We hope that reading will become something your child loves to do instead of something they are forced to do. Part of reading is learning to challenge yourself so that you can become a better reader. We want students to learn to read books that will both challenge and enrich them, developing both their reading abilities and their world views.

We know that it can be difficult to find books that are at your child's Lexile level and still of interest to them. Please keep in mind that Lexile levels are subjective and are not necessarily an accurate measure of the actual quality of writing and word use.

For example, Diary of a Wimpy Kid books have Lexile levels ranking from the high 700s to 1000. Meanwhile, the classic American novel Where the Red Fern Grows is only a Lexile level of 700. Diary of a Wimpy Kid has its place and is certainly entertaining, but to say that it is more challenging and enriching than Where the Red Fern Grows is questionable.

Our wonderful librarian, Mrs. Lawler, has worked to put together a list of great books for our students. It includes books for readers with all interests:

  • Adventure - A
  • Dystopian - D
  • Fantasy - F
  • Mystery - M
  • Realistic - R

She has also curated lists from California Young Readers, Newberry, and Kids Book Series. If you have any questions about books, please feel free to email our librarian at:

Please see the below for great book recommendations

Kids Book Series Book List
Newbery Award Winners
Mrs Lawler Book List