Class Participation

My Vision Statement

First and foremost, my goal for this class is to set you up for success, not failure. 

Success can be measured in many ways, great or small.  Of course it will be measured with traditional tests and writing assignments.   Assessments will measure your skills and techniques.  These assignments will require hard work, patience, organization, time management, and skill.  Ask yourself:  Am I doing my best to learn this new material?  Am I doing my best quality work?  Am I dedicating the time necessary to be successful?

It will be assessed in your participation in class.  Ask yourself:   Am I a valuable class contributor?  Am I a thoughtful listener?  Do I make a positive impact in my classroom?

We can measure success in preparedness for class.  Again, ask yourself:   Am I prepared with carefully completed homework?  Am I physically prepared for class with the proper materials, texts, etc…  Am I mentally prepared for class work with appropriate rest, adequate energy and a good attitude? 

You should arrive to class with a positive attitude for learning as I will arrive to class with an enthusiasm for teaching.

Success can be measured by your role in your learning environmentAm I doing my best to contribute to a meaningful class environment?  Am I causing a distraction to the learning process?  Am I adding to or taking away from the learning experiences of others?

My vision for this class includes a thought-provoking, enlightening, yet rigorous and challenging atmosphere.  You will be reading, writing, listening, speaking, researching, synthesizing, hypothesizing, organizing, the list goes on…  Ask yourself:  Am I ready to get the most out of this class?

In his novel “The Five People You Meet in Heaven,” Mitch Albom’s Blue Man character states:  “There are no random acts. We are all connected.  You can no more separate a breeze from the wind.”  We all make an impact on each other.  What will your impact be?