
Your angel begins each day with 4 colored pom-poms in a cup on his/her desk (2 green, 1 yellow, 1 red). Each time he/she breaks a class rule, are not on task, or talking, I quietly remove one pom-pom from his/her cup. The first pom-pom removed is one of the greens followed by the 2nd green, then yellow, then red. A monthly calendar will be kept in their Take Home Folder where they will color the appropriate color that he/she ended that day on. This will allow you to see each day how his/her day went. Every day each angel starts fresh with all of his/her pom-poms back in his/her cup. Occasionally kids end the day on yellow, or red, they are human and we all make mistakes/have off days. It's OK! However, if it becomes a pattern, or if I feel a certain behavior that day warrants it, I will contact you.

If your angel colored their day green it means he/she had an awesome day!

If your angel colored their day yellow it means he/she needed some redirection/prompting.

If your angel colored their day red it means he/she had a challenging day. I will follow up with a phone call or email.


Green- No consequence.

Yellow-The child will fill out a Think Sheet at the end of the day to evaluate what they could have done differently.

Red- Same as yellow plus a phone call or email home.

Children who do not get any pom-poms removed the entire week will be rewarded with a Ricciardi Dollar on Friday.


Every child has bus with 10 squares on it. They can earn check marks in each square of their bus when they go out of their way to be kind, helpful, or just plain awesome! Once they fill up their bus with a check mark in each of the 10 squares they get 1 Ricciardi Dollar. They then erase all their check marks and start over to earn 10 more checks!!

Every Friday afternoon the children get to go shopping in the Ricciardi Shop and use their Ricciardi Dollars to buy great prizes! Let the fun begin!