Books to Read Aloud

Have fun exploring in these bitmoji classrooms. You can click around to hear the different stories. Have fun!

Try story retelling with the graphic organizer below.You can use pictures. Make sure you use the words "first" "next" "then" "last" to help you retell !

Clifford MJG
Laura Numeroff - MJG
MJY space books

Reading aloud to your child daily is so important and helps build critical thinking and vocabulary skills. When reading, be sure to stop and ask your child questions about the story to engage in discussion and provide a fun and interactive experience for both of you. Some examples of beneficial questions to ask are:

Study the cover: What do you think this book will be about?

What do you notice on this page? What is happening?

What do you think will happen next?

How do you think the character is feeling here? Why do you think that?

Has this ever happened to you?

What would you do if you were this character?

How does this story make you feel?

What is your favorite part of the story?