Welcome Back!! 

Welcome back and welcome to fifth grade! I am so excited to have you in my fifth grade class this year at Paul J. Bellew and that I get to be your teacher for your last year in elementary school!! We are going to have a terrific year together!

I will be your homeroom teacher as well as your math, reading and science teacher. This year, as fifth graders, you will have different teachers for social studies and writing. You will be moving to Ms. McCarthy’s class for social studies and Mrs. Davis’ class for writing. This is to prepare you for 6th grade and all the Middle School has to offer!

Check the "school supplies' tab for the list of supplies for fifth grade. Please do your best to have all the supplies on your first day of school. On the bottom of the list are some directions to follow to make things a little smoother on that first day! 

I hope you are enjoying the last days of your summer vacation, and I so look forward to meeting you! If you have any questions, feel free to email me at c.stern@wi.k12.ny.us or contact me through Parent Square. 



Mrs. Stern