May 2020 Instructional Update

Parents and Students,

All assignments and related questions for the next five days can be viewed and completed on my Google Classroom. Please do the assignments in order and submit them as soon as you are done. You are to complete one ELA and one Math lesson each day. Lessons and assignments will be added as needed. Directions to get onto GoMath Personal Math Trainer are included on THIS PAGE. To view the virtual Weekly Agenda click HERE!!!!

In addition to assignments and related questions, students should be:

Reading for 30 minutes each day

Logging onto Raz Kids (through classlink, learning A-Z icon) and completing a book and related questions two times in each full week

Getting 3 "Green Lights" weekly in Reflex Math unless you have already mastered 100% fluency. If that is the case, you should still get on, but only once per week.

Logging onto Keyboarding without Tears

As we review other websites and activities we will pass them on to you. Please stay healthy and safe in these stressful times. Children should use this time to help out around the house, learn how to cook, try new chores, etc.

I miss you all and hope to see you soon.

Mrs. Coiro

GoMath Login-

Go to ClassLink and click the GoMath icon. From there, you should be taken directly to the GoMath site.

If not, go to the district web page, click the Parents/Students tab and click Gomath

· Username: 28lastnamefirstinitial

· Password: Wis123456 (Capital W, digit student ID)

Once there, you will see a student page with Things to Do and My Library.

Posted Personal Math Trainer (PMT) assignments can be found by clicking Things to Do.

In My Library, you will find:

· Animated Math Models (Carmen San Diego icon)– Instruction and practice in new skills and old!

· Student handbook where you can print textbook pages

· Games

· iTools

Click around and see what else is available!

Help one another out! If you find something new and useful, share it with the other students via text or Facetime!


To get your child started on your home computer, please follow these easy steps:

1. Go to our District website, click on Classlink, and then on IXL.

2. Enter your child's username and password and click "Sign n."

Username: 28lastnamefirstinitial@wiufsd

Password: Wis+6-digit ID

3. Click on any skill to start learning!

IXL is designed to help your child learn at his or her own pace. The program is adaptive and will adjust based on your child's demonstrated understanding of the material. All your child's results will be saved; so, like me, you will be able to monitor his or her progress anytime by clicking on Analytics. For on-the-go practice, you can download IXL’s free tablet apps for iPad, Android, or Kindle and sign in with your child’s username and password.