The Blue & Gold

Presented by The Newspaper Club!

a Collection of Children's Books Written & Illustrated by Middle Shool Students 


Sally The Scaredy Spider by Annabelle S.
Frank the Frog By Mason C.
Jenna the spoiled child by Brynn E

The Best holiday Donuts from dunkin According To our tasting staff

By Evey C., Sophia A., Yamil R., and Guiliana A. 

Four students were put to the test, the tasting test! This holiday season, four Beach Street students were tasked with determining which of Dunkin's holiday donuts was the best and you'll never guess the results. First, all students came up with a set of criteria and a rubric for judging and discussing each of the 6 donuts offered. Here is the rubric the students created: 

Strawberry Donut Findings: 

Appearance: 4,4,5,4= 4.25 Rating 

Sweetness: 3,4,3,2= 3 Rating 

Messiness: 1,1,1,2= 1.25 Rating 

Texture & Consistency: 4 Rating 

Overall Score: 10

"It’s good, but if you don’t like strawberries, then don’t pick this one. If you do like strawberries, then this has a perfect icing!"

Chocolate Crème:

Appearance: 4,5,3,3= 3.75 Rating 

Sweetness: 4,3,3,3= 3.25 Rating 

Messiness: 3,3,3,4= 3.25 Rating 

Texture & consistency: 5,2,2,3= 3 Rating 

Overall Score: 6.75

"This tastes like chocolate watered down," one student said.  "Creamy. More chocolate than sugar, like more cocoa powder was used instead of sugar," another replied. "The powder gets all over your fingers.

The Santa Claus:

Appearance: 4,3,4,2= 3.25

Sweetness: 4,1,5,4=3.5

Messiness:2, 1, 3, 2= 2

Texture & Consistency: 5,55,4=4.75

Overall Score: 9.5

Student were left with questions. "What does the munchkin represent?"

Vanilla Crème:

Appearance: 5,5,5,5= 5

Sweetness: 5,4,4,5= 4.5

Messiness: 3,3,3,3= 3

Texture & Consistency: 5,5,4,5= 4.75

Overall Score: 11.25

Students thought this donut had the most perfect and even appearance! 

Vanilla Sprinkle:

Appearance: 4, 4, 4,4=4

Sweetness: The icing is sweeter than the donut 4, 5, 4, 5= 4.5

Messiness: 1,1, 1,1= 1

Texture & Consistency:4,4,3,4= 3.75

Overall Score: 11.25

"Donut is dry, but the icing is good. Very little mess with this one." 

Chocolate Sprinkle:

Appearance: 4,4,4,3=3.75

Sweetness: 3,4,3,5= 3.75 

Messiness: 1,1,1,2=1.25

Texture & Consistency: 4, 5, 4,4 4.25   

Overall Score: 10.5

“It’s a whole bunch of JOY,” one student stated. 

Stand Out Winner: Students chose the Vanilla Crème (3 votes) as their favorite, and it also came in as the highest rated along with the traditional Vanilla Sprinkle. One student, even though the donut did not score as high as the Chocolate Sprinkle chose the Strawberry Sprinkle as their favorite. 

And there you have it folks! Try this at home with your family and friends and use the rubric the students created to grade and taste test your donuts! 

"The Witching Well" 

by evey C. October 2023

A breeze flew through my wavy hair, making me shiver once again. I hoped that Emerson wouldn’t notice. But she did.

“Will you stop that? I can’t believe you’re actually scared,” Emerson retorted.

“You’re not scared of this mysterious well that just appeared out of nowhere? On Friday the 13th?”

“Of course not,” Emerson replied. “They’re just superstitions, Adeline. Not real. Friday the 13th doesn’t mean anything.”

Emerson was my best friend, but she just didn’t understand me sometimes. I’ve always believed and read about luck and superstitions since I was little. Emerson was always more interested in science. She’d always say superstitions aren’t scientific. If they aren’t scientific, they aren’t real.

“Can we leave? It’s getting cold,” I lied.

“What? It’s warm outside. You are just scared of this well. Like witches are going to jump out of it! Not a wishing well, a witching well!” Emerson cackled. I know she meant that to be sarcastic (I wouldn’t expect anything non-scientific from her), but I didn’t believe it as sarcasm.

We were strolling home from school, through the woods, and came upon this well. We’ve never seen it before and Emerson wanted to investigate it for a science experiment.

“I’m going to bring some of this moss home. It would be the perfect addition to my science project!” Emerson exclaimed.

“I don’t know if you should do that,” I warned. Witches would rage about someone stealing from their property.  As Emerson picked up the moss, she fumbled with it and dropped it behind her. Instead of turning around to pick it up, she bent over and put her head and arms through her legs, reaching to get the moss.

“Don’t do that!” I shouted. It was an African superstition. If you bend over and put your head through your legs, you may see witches. Emerson immediately jolted up and screamed. “Are you okay?” I asked nervously.

“I-I…It was all dark and I caught a glimpse of something! Through my legs! We have to leave!” she wailed between heavy breaths.

“I told you!” I exclaimed.

“Let’s get out of here before they find us.” We started sprinting through the forest ahead, having that tingle that something was chasing us. Soon, the path led to a dead stop.

“I don’t remember this happening,” I stated. “We’re taking the same path, this isn’t making sense.”

“We’ll just have to weave around the trees, then,” Emerson declared.

“Okay, let’s stay together.” We started dashing through the trees, but then we approached a grand oak tree, covered in moss. I took the right side, making room for Emerson to follow. However, she took the left side. When I realized this, I started panicking.

“Em, what are you doing!?”

“Running,” she replied. “Duh.”

“We’re supposed to stay on the same side of the tree! Otherwise our friendship will end!” I shouted, remembering the European superstition.

I took off my evil eye necklace, which protected me from bad luck. I couldn’t let anything bad happen to Emerson. “Em, you need this more than I do right now,” I told her.

She gratefully accepted, putting the long necklace over her head. “You know, I’m getting tired. We should stop soon,” Emerson sighed.

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

“But aren’t we safe now?” she asked.

“We should keep going,” I suggested.

“It wouldn’t hurt to rest,” Emerson argued back. She crouched down on a log, crossing her legs. Her eyes gleamed a purple color.

“I’m going to go home. I don’t want the…well, whatever it is, to get any closer,” I sighed.

“Okay, I’ll catch up to you.”

As I jogged home, I heard an owl hoot. That couldn’t be any good. An owl hooting meant that someone was going to die, according to another African superstition.

The next morning, I was at home, glancing at my four-leaf clover collection, when I heard a knock on the door. It was Emerson’s mom.

“Hello? What happened?” I asked, concerned. “Is Emerson okay?” Emerson’s mom shook her head, and out of her pocket, she pulled out my evil eye necklace that I gave to Emerson.

“She's missing,” her mom sobbed gently. “I wanted to return this to you.”

I gasped, stunned and astonished. 

“Well thank you,” I said blankly. “I should never have left her alone.”

“It’s not your fault,” croaked Emerson’s mom. “It’s mine.”

“What? Why?”

At that moment, she transformed into a witch. “Because I was the one took her,” she whispered cheerfully and creepily.

“Who are you talking to?” asked my sister from another room. And then the witch was gone, leaving me standing there, clutching my necklace.

#WRitersworkshop Students Write like Jaqueline Woodson 

September 2023

Student Created Soundtrack & Nature Walk 

Produced by Dyllan D. 2023

Episode 3, March 31 2023. Beach Street News Show 

Produced by The Newspaper Club 

Episode 2, March 17 2023. Beach Street News Show 

Produced by The Newspaper Club 

Episode 1, Feb. 17 2023. Beach Street News Show 

Produced by The Newspaper Club 


Mrs. Rufrano

My name is Mrs. Rufrano. I teach 7th Grade English, Project Based Learning and Writers' Workshop here at Beach Street Middle School. I am so excited to be working with the talented students of Beach Street on the Blue and Gold