Call for Donations

Call for Donations

The 2018 RID Region III Conference Planning Committee is seeking donations to include in our silent auction, raffle, and registration bags.

Please consider providing support in the form of monetary donations, gift cards, vouchers, goods, or services for our silent auction and raffle. We are also seeking donations of items for our registration bags, such as pens, pads of paper, samples, etc (for approximately 350 bags).

Your donation will be recognized in our conference program book and a receipt will be provided for tax purposes.

Pick up of donations is available in the Milwaukee, WI area. Donations from outside of the greater Milwaukee area will need to be mailed.

Contact the Silent Auction Coordinators, Jaxin Mackienruf and Jodie Nigro, at with any questions.

Thank you to these generous donors:

Lovely Salon & Spa in St. Francis, WI

Toni Rahlf: Daughter of Leslie DeMeyer

Donna Brandwein

Arlyn Anderson

Lakefront Brewery

Factory Cafe

Jodie Nigro

Children’s Theater

MATC Interpreters

Richard Laurion

Linda Smolinsi: Sister of Jon Thomm

Jessica Maygar: Sister of Jon Thomm