TK-8 Invention Convention

All TK-8th grade students are invited to submit an original invention which will be showcased at Dana Middle School on Friday, February 24th.

Wonderings: What do you want to invent? What problem does this invention solve? Why is it important?

Download a copy of the inventor's log by clicking on the button below!

Ready to register? Click the button below to fill out the form and get started!

General timeline

February 3- deadline to submit application to participate in WUSD Invention Convention

February 24- Invention and Presentation board due at Dana Middle School

February 24- Invention Convention Night! 4-7 PM

March 24- South Bay Regional Invention Convention- Torrance, CA, by invitation for participation

April (date TBA)- state Invention Convention (virtual)

June 7-9- National Invention Convention- Dearborn, Michigan

Questions and Answers

Is this a mandatory project?

No- this is completely voluntary.

Can I work in a group?

There can be a maximum of 3 students in a group. Students can drop out of a group after it is formed- they may not join a group already in place.

Can I work with my brother/sister/cousin, even though they are in a different grade level?

Yes! Each participant will need their own registration, but they can definitely work together on a single project. Make sure that each student has an equal role in the project.

What happens after I submit my invention?

The inventions and display boards will be showcased at the Invention Convention event on February 24 at Dana Middle School.

I want to do it! What happens next?

Fill out this form, and get started!