7/29/20 minutes

Comprehensive Plan Meeting

Via Zoom

July 29, 2020 - 6pm


I. Introductions, meeting protocols:

In attendance:

Carla Dickstein

Zachary Gray

Katie Bryant

Terry Wood

Jason Putnam

Kim Andersson

Zoom Meeting protocols:

Mute when you are not talking.

II. Review notes from January 28 meeting; identify volunteer to take notes tonight:

Emphasis on two parts of minutes: don’t get bogged down in the inventory and share Maine Planning Program Assistance Planning link and data. We agreed we did not need a note taker, Andersson would type notes based on meeting recording after the fact. Andersson will proofread/edit updated inventory sections worked on so far and report back to group areas needing updating. We will move on with reviewing the 2008 goals. We plan to look at state data once downloaded (this will be added to next week’s agenda as we did not get to it).

III. Evaluating 2008 Goals:

Completed introduction and Historical and Archeological Resources section:

2020 Evaluation of Section 11:



This section of the 2008 Comprehensive Plan set forth Wiscasset’s goals, policies and strategies for the period 2008 - 2018. Detailed information as published in 2008 on each of the goals could be found in the original inventory sections of the plan. Please note that the original comprehensive planning process began in 2004 with a community survey.

Goals, policies and strategies are differentiated in the following way:

    • Goals represent an ideal that the Town would like to reach at some point in the future.
    • Policies are more specific directives that should be followed to achieve the goals.
    • Strategies are actions to be taken to implement the policies and achieve the goals.

For each of the strategies set forth in this section, the Plan identifies one or more responsible parties and assigns an overall priority rating. There are three possible priority ratings:

  • High: to be addressed in a time period of 1 - 3 years
  • Medium: to be addressed in a time period of 3 - 5 years
  • Low: to be addressed in a time period of 5 - 10 years

7/28/20 The Comp Plan committee reviewed and commented on the abbreviations as set in the 2008 plan:

EDD Economic Development Director -- We do not have; Dickstein thought there may have been one at one time back in 2008 but we currently do not have this position or department. Andersson said there has been discussion at the Select Board and among some community stakeholders to create an EDD who would also serve in the role of Town Planner.

ORC Ordinance Review Committee -- We have an operating ORC

RC Road Commissioner -- This position is now under the umbrella of Public Works; eliminated as a full time job when a former road commissioner resigned.

PB Planning Board -- We have an operating planning board

TC Transportation Committee -- We do not have

TP Town Planner -- We no longer have

WC Waterfront Committee -- We have an operating planning board

CC Conservation Commission -- We have an operating planning board

HPC Historic Preservation Commission -- We have, but Andersson noted there was a citizen petition to repeal the HPC. Wood questioned why; Putnam said it has been supported by voters twice already. Andersson said there were personality conflicts with the commission and community members.

CEO Code Enforcement Officer -- We have a part-time, 20 hour per week, CEO. Andersson said this could be an area for growth as he is very busy and there is a lot of development in town now.



1. Preserve the maritime, historic, cultural and rural character of the town.

Townspeople recognize that the Village streetscapes, the harbor and river views, and the scenic views of the town enhance each other.

2. Recognize that Wiscasset’s unique historic heritage has an economic value to the town.

3. Ensure the compatibility of new construction with the maritime, historic, cultural and rural character of the town.

4. Seek certified local government status when the town adopts an ordinance that meets the requirements of this program.

Hostoric Heritage Goals table

IV. Review 2008 survey results:

Tabled till next week

VI. Set next meeting date:

We agreed to meet for shorter time periods more frequently via Zoom. Next meeting date August 6, 8am.