This page is intended for use by all OB providers (residents, APPs, attendings) during the COVID-19 Outbreak to keep updated on changes -- No Longer Updating as of 3/24/21

Important Phone numbers

UW Health Paging 608-262-2122 to reach the MCTS person on call ask for the Family Medicine OB Faculty on call

To find a specific individual DFMCH pager site (login needed), again consider putting this website on the home page of your phone

The residents’ pass around pager is (608)-265-7000 pager ID 2715 #, then enter [callback number] then #

The team room phone number is 608-417-5979. The preferred method of contact with them is with the service cell phones. Reminder--please do not text PHI:

  • Laborist cell phone: 608-843-4796

  • Postpartum/newborn rounder cell phone: 608-513-3926

For families to register newborns to facilitate scheduling a clinic visit have them call Newborn Registration:

  • Weekdays: 608-287-2725

  • Weekends: 608-828- 7632

To schedule weekend follow up for Meriter delivered/Quartz/GHC babies UNC UC Line: 608-242-6885

Updates (as of 3/24/21)

New update:

  • All patients requiring induction need COVID testing prior to the induction date see information here: Go to the hospital specific section

  • UW and St Mary's MFM's have differing guidelines regarding the care of pregnant patients who are positive for COVID - Antepartum Guidelines COVID +

  • In general, we are recommending the COVID vaccination for all pregnant and breastfeeding patients please see some additional patient information Vaccination guidance

Previous active updates:


  • We are caring for all of our patients at both hospitals

  • All labor patients at Meriter will now be screened for COVID 19 - details here. St Mary's does not have the capacity for this

  • OB would like us to consider getting hgb and type & screen on all patients at admission due to delays in getting back to the OR due to turnover and ppe requirements

  • Fever and respiratory symptoms in pregnancy would merit testing regardless of the confounding clinical scenarios. i.e chorioamnionitis, flu etc; if these are new symptoms consider retesting despite universal screening

  • Postpartum tubal sterilizations and waterbirths (for COVID negative patients) are happening

  • For Meriter delivered/Quartz/GHC insured newborns weight checks/bilis over the weekend are now being done at UW Health Union Corners Clinic (2402 Winnebago St, Madison, WI) see the phone number above for scheduling.


  • All OB telehealth visits should be billed as Global OB, and NOT as one of the 9944- codes

  • DFMCH is working on obtaining newborn scales and blood pressure cuffs to be used by patients who don't qualify for DME through their insurer to facilitate care outside of the clinic

  • Vital signs are no longer being done with 20 week ultrasounds, consider adding an in person prenatal visit between 18-22 weeks

  • Fresh Beginnings class for pregnant patients with prenatal substance exposures has been cancelled on 6/10/20. In the interim if you would like to refer your patient for an Anesthesia and/or Newborn Hospitalist consult, please refer to the Center for Perinatal Care and specify what consult you would like the patient to have. At this time, both of those consult types are being done by phone.
