
The STORM REU application for summer 2024 closed on 15 February 2024. Initial decisions will be sent in mid-to-late March

Application Requirements


To be eligible to apply for STORM applicants must be

In addition, students must have at least one semester left of their undergraduate program at the time STORM starts.

Due Date

The completed application form, letter of recommendation, and transcripts must be submitted by February 15, 2024

Need Help?

If you have program-specific questions, please send them to

If you need help with the SurveyMonkey Apply portal, please reach out to

If you need help with the NSF ETAP portal, please reach out to

The Application

The STORM REU application consists of a set of four essay questions (500 word limit each), two short-answer questions (250 and 100 word limit), and two ranked choice/check all that apply questions

To help you prepare your application for submission, all applications questions can be accessed in advance here.

The application for the STORM REU is available through two avenues. Both ask for the same information, so it's just a matter of which one fits your needs best. When you are ready, choose one of the options below to submit your application! 

Option 1: NSF ETAP

The National Science Foundation supports applications for REUs through its Education and Training Application (ETAP). If you plan to apply to multiple NSF-funded REU programs across different states, this is a good option as you only have to enter your demographic and personal information once for it to be shared across all your applications.

Option 2: The SurveyMonkey Apply portal 

This option is used by the UW-Madison Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) of which STORM is a part. You can use the SurveyMonkey Apply portal to apply to multiple programs within SROP, including STORM. To see all of the programs available through SROP, click here. If you plan to apply to multiple REU or other research internship programs exclusively at UW-Madison, the SurveyMonkey application is a good way to go. Like NSF ETAP, you only need to enter your demographic information once for it to be shared across multiple programs. The four essay questions are also common to ALL SROP program applications, so you also only need to answer these once, regardless of how many individual programs you apply to.

**Although you can apply to multiple programs, you do not need to if you are only interested in applying to STORM!**

If this is the case, all you need to do is list STORM as your first choice in the SurveyMonkey Apply portal. You do not need to list any others nor talk about other programs in your essay question answers.

You will need to create a SurveyMonkey account before you can log in to the portal. You can do this by clicking on the red 'Access the SurveyMonkey Application' button below and then clicking on the green 'Register' button in the upper right corner of the landing page.