The Student Participation Observation Tool

Project team

SPOT was funded by an NSF Division of Research on Learning grant, and is currently managed by Dr. Cassandra Paul (San Jose State University, Department of Physics and Astronomy | Science Education Program) and Dr. Cara Theisen (University of Wisconsin, Madison, WISCIENCE). The SPOT development team also includes Dr. Katrina Roseler (Chaminade University of Honolulu), Dr. Mark Felton (San Jose State University), and Andrew Reid.

Using SPOT or considering it? We'd love to hear from you.

Contact us at:

Cara Theisen:

Cassandra Paul:

Publications & Presentations

Roseler, K., Paul, C. A., Felton, M., & Theisen, C. H. (2018). Observable Features of Active Science Education Practices. Journal of College Science Teaching, 47(6), 83-91.