Call for participation

Important Dates: 

All dates are Fridays and times are Anywhere on Earth (AoE) unless specified otherwise.

Target Audience:

Our workshop welcomes participants from various sectors, with a primary focus on:

Submission Details:

Participation in our workshop is open to all, and while submissions are not required, they are highly encouraged. We invite contributions in the following areas:

Length and Format:

Submissions should range from 2-4 pages, including but not limited to extended abstracts, work-in-progress reports, preliminary findings, position papers, methodology papers, blue skies papers, and other research paper styles. All submissions must be in PDF format.

Submission Portal:

Please submit your documents through EasyChair:

Review Process:

Submissions will be subject to a thorough review by both internal and external reviewers, ensuring valuable, high-quality feedback. Accepted papers will have the opportunity to deliver 5-minute lightning talks, followed by a brief Q&A session.