Completed Maps

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List of Completed Maps

How to navigate the spreadsheet data

This spreadsheet has two tabs: Adult and Pediatric.  Each medical issue like Anemia, Heart Failure, Seizures, etc., connects to three different tabs in another file that give more detail about that specific health issue concern.

Filter lab results by region

When you check the lab results sheets, you can choose to see either international or USA-specific results. Here's how:

To view international-only results:

To view USA-only results:

About Definitions (Tab 3)

Why do I see some repeated lab names in the lab tables?

For a give lab test, there is a different computer code for each method of performing the test.  For a hematocrit, there are several methods of performing the test.    For example, “HCT” is the general name we give for these two separate labs:

Hematocrit [Volume Fraction] of Blood (code #20570-8)

Hematocrit [Volume Fraction] of Blood by Automated Count (code #4544-3)