Noriko Kita  Cosmochemistry Research 

Primitive meteorites recorded the early evolution of the solar system. We use SIMS to obtain high precision isotope analyses of pristine meteorite samples, such as Ca, Al-rich inclusions and chondrules in order to address the timing of their formation and the condition of proto-planetary disk in which they formed. We are also interested in precious particles collected from asteroidsand comets by space missions, such as NASA Stardust Mission.

Chondrules in Semarkona meteorite. 

SIMS analysis of Wild 2 comet particle (Nakashima et al. 2012)

What's New

Recent Publications

Front: Noriko Kita, Back: Guillaume Siron, Mingming Zhang, Kohei Fukuda (June 2021)


Noriko Kita, Distinguished Scientist, Director of WiscSIMS Laboratory

Mingming Zhang, Scientist

Jens Barosch, Postdoctoral Research Associate

Former WiscSIMS Cosmochemist

Daisuke Nakashima (Tohoku University, Japan)

Takayuki Ushikubo (JAMSTEC Kochi, Japan)

Rudraswami Gowda (National Institute of Oceanography, India)

Travis Tenner (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Céline Defouilloy (Cameca Instrument)

Andreas Hertwig (Heidelberg University)

Noel Chaumard (Fi Group)

Guillaume Siron (University of Bologna)

Kohei Fukuda (Osaka University)