Spring School

Multilinear Singular and Oscillatory Integrals with Applications

Van Vleck Hall, May 19-23, 2024

The spring school will consist of lectures delivered by the participants. A typical participant will be a graduate student or postdoc and the total number of participants is limited to 15 27.

Every participant will submit preferences from a list of topics, most of them recent papers in the area. After being assigned to a paper, each participant will prepare a 50 min talk with a focus on the context and main ideas of the paper presented. Some longer papers may be assigned to two participants who should then coordinate their efforts. Selected participants may be asked to give a second 50 min talk during the week.

Participants must submit a 4-6 page summary of their assigned paper by May 1, 2024. The summaries will be compiled and made publicly available on this website. Further instructions for preparing the summaries will follow.

The spring school will take place in-person at UW Madison. Some very limited support is available for shared accommodations for non-local participants. 

If you would like to participate, please submit your application here as soon as possible and before January 28, 2024. (CLOSED)


Supported in part by grants from the National Science Foundation.