Stochastic Exposure Coding for Handling Multi-ToF-Camera Interference

Prior Work: Different Modulation Frequencies (ACO)

  • Most conventional systems using ToF Cameras propose using different modulation frequencies for each camera.

  • This method fails to eliminate the interference in the constant part of the emitted light.

  • Leads to lower SNR and hence, does not solve the problem completely!

Prior Work: Stochastic Exposure Coding (SEC)

  • Similar to the Wireless Protocol Slotted Aloha.

  • Instead of keeping the emitter and sensor ‘on’ at all times, do a probabilistic switch on-switch off procedure to reduce the chances of collisions.

  • There is no free lunch!!! Due to the stochasticity, light shall be transmitted from the camera in only a few of the slots, leading to a decrease in the Effective Exposure Time

  • The points above lead to the following constraints:

    1. Increase in Source Power Amplification - to counter the decrease in effective exposure time.

    2. Choice of the Slot ON probability