
Ice pieces float in a lake.

Photo Credit: Aquatic Sciences Center.

What is phenology?

The study of seasonal cycles in nature, or phenology, probably crosses your mind more than you know. When do flowers bloom? When do leaves fall? When do birds begin to migrate South? These are all questions researcher consider. 

How can you get involved?

Through phenology studies we can see patterns emerge that tell the story of how biodiversity and climate change are linked. The Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission (GLIFWC) wants to hear about what you’ve been seeing.  GLIFWC climate change staff are collecting phenological observations from around the Ceded Territories. Submit observations such as plants budding, animal sightings, unusual storms, or anything else to the GLIFWC Phenology Calendar Google Form. 

GLIFWC Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest Phenology Lapse

Phenology & Climate Wisconsin 

Phenology Activites & Lessons

What is phenology?

All grades, Power Point slides


Wheels of Time & Place Lesson

All grades, lesson plans for creating three varities of wheels from           G-WOW

GWOW Phenology Wheels of Time Lesson Plan_4accessibilityupdating.pdf

A Phenological Phenomenon

5-9 (Puzzle K-9), materials for Phenological Puzzle, lake stratification demonstration, and graphing lake stratification


USA National Phenology Network Nature's Notebook

All grades, online tool for observing phenology 

Helps educators teach students to apply a climate change lens to various subjects

Provides monthly phenology of local wildlife