Call for Papers

All dates are Fridays and times are Anywhere on Earth (AoE) unless specified otherwise.


We invite submissions related, but not limited, to the following topics:


Authors are invited to submit short papers of 2-4 pages (not including references) describing HRI work, blue-sky papers, position papers, etc. related to any of the topics above. Submissions should be made using the 2-column ACM template; Overleaf provides an appropriate template that may be used. 

Submissions will be made through EasyChair, and the site is now open!

Optionally (but appreciated), if you intend to submit a paper, please email co-organizer Laura Stegner ( with the subject line “[EUD4HRI] Intent to Submit”, and include the following in the body of the message: (1) a tentative title, (2) a tentative author list, and (3) tentative keywords.


For more information, please contact Laura Stegner (