
8:00 am

Registration, continental breakfast, and posters

8:45 am

Welcome and opening comments

9:00 am

Morning plenary session

“Whole milk dairy foods and cardio-metabolic health: The current scientific landscape”

10:00 am

On-going poster session

10:00 am

Priority area track sessions

Human nutrition – Location: Multicultural Greek Council Room

Soil and water – Location: Old Madison Room

12:00 pm

Buffet lunch, networking, and posters

1:00 pm

Priority area track sessions

Animal health – Location: Multicultural Greek Council Room

Farm business – Location: Old Madison Room

3:00 pm

Afternoon panel

“Greener Cattle Initiative: A three-pronged approach to mitigate enteric methane emissions from dairy cattle”

4:00 pm

Flash talks, posters, and cocktail reception

5:30 pm
