7th Grade FALCONS Team

Contact Info

Mr. Jason Durkee/Social Studies (Falcon Team Leader): jdurkee@winthrop.k12.ma.us

Ms. Casey Flanigan/Math: cflanigan@winthrop.k12.ma.us

Ms. Margaret Sparicio/ELA: msparicio@winthrop.k12.ma.us

Mr. Michael Berard/Science: mberard@winthrop.k12.ma.us

Ms. Shauna Gillis/Math and ELA: sgillis@winthrop.k12.ma.us

Falcon Team Announcements/Upcoming Due Dates: 

Use THIS link to see all upcoming due dates and other important dates for each Falcon Team class

FOTM Nomination Form

Use THIS link to nominate a classmate for Falcon of the Month!