Religious Diversity
Below are resources that anyone can use to enhance their knowledge of different religions, build skillsets in facilitating important conversations around religious issues, and embrace acceptance around religious diversity.
Religious Pluralism in America: The Contentious History of a Founding Ideal - William Hutchison chronicles the country’s struggle to fulfill the religious tolerance ideals promised in our Constitution and unpacks the complicated history of religious diversity in the United States.
One Nation, Many Gods - This Teaching Tolerance article highlights that a world religions course helps reduce intolerance among students without undermining students' religious beliefs.
Accepting Religious Diversity - This Teaching Tolerance article highlights the importance of each of our individual rights to believe what we choose to believe.
There is a misinformed fear that the teaching of religion will lead to offending one's culture and spiritual beliefs. However, it is actually the opposite. 7th grader, Diego Meneses, shares his perspective. (RT: 6:16)
Instead of focusing on “tolerating” differences, Andrew Sayer explains why we must “shift from tolerance to acceptance,” which he suggested should start in the schools. (RT: 10:28)
Religious diversity is the norm in American life. Using the most painful moment of his life as a lesson, Eboo Patel explains why it's crucial to be positive and proactive about engaging religious identity towards interfaith cooperation. (RT: 5:10)
When we label people and put them in different boxes, we don't see PEOPLE for who they truly are. This video proves that we have a lot more in common than we think and we should keep that in mind when we encounter anyone who might seem different than we are. (RT: 4:24)