Why Read 30 Minutes a Day?


U.S. Department of Education, America Reads Challenge. (1999)

"Start Early, Finish Strong: How to Help Every Child Become a Reader." Washington, D.C.

"If daily reading begins in infancy, by the time the child is five years old, he or she has been fed roughly 900 hours of brain food!"

"Reduce that experience to just 30 minutes a week, and the child's hungry mind loses 770 hours of nursery rhymes, fairy tales, and stories."

"A kindergarten student who has not been read aloud to could enter school with less than 60 hours of literacy nutrition. No teacher, no matter how talented, can make up for those lost hours of mental nourishment."

"Therefore...30 minutes daily = 900 hours

30 minutes weekly = 130 hours

Less than 30 minutes weekly = 60 hours"

Guess you now understand why reading daily is so very important. Why not have family night reading? It is great to just shut off the television for 20-30 minutes and read...and share.