Drone delivery in Ireland

Medical drone delivery in South Dublin

Wing and Apian have partnered with Blackrock Health and St. Vincent’s Private Hospital in Dublin along with leading healthcare technology company, Medtronic, to launch an innovative drone delivery trial demonstrating the benefits drones could offer in healthcare logistics. Read more →

Delivery demonstration
in Lusk

Wing is currently running select demonstration operations. The community demonstration has concluded.

FAQs on our South Dublin operations

Trial details

Who is the team behind this trial?

This trial is being run as a partnership between Apian and Wing, together with a number of healthcare partners in South Dublin, including Medtronic, Blackrock Health at Blackrock Clinic  and St. Vincent’s Private Hospital

When will the trial take place?

The trial will start at the beginning of July and will run for around 3-6 months.

What are you transporting?

We are transporting medical supplies, medical devices, and other related medical products.

The delivery service has started with items including Medtronic’s ingestible camera, PillCam™, sutures, surgical tools and heart valve repair products, with plans to expand to pacemakers and Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators (ICDs) in the future.

What are the benefits of medical drone delivery?

Medical drone deliveries have the potential to make quicker, more reliable, more sustainable deliveries than traditional land-based modes of transport. This will enable patients to receive the care they need sooner. 

How often will you fly?

We will fly Monday-Friday up to 20 flights per day. These flights will take place between the hours of 9am-5pm. Flights will only take place during daylight hours, so in winter the hours of operation may be less.

Can I get a delivery to my home?

This trial is exclusively for the delivery of medical supplies and devices to hospitals or other healthcare facilities. There will be no deliveries to individual homes.


Drone and airspace details

What are the characteristics of the drone?

The Wing drone is primarily made of foam, weighs around 5kg, carries around 1kg, and will cruise at about 100 km/h. 

The Wing drone operates in two distinct modes. Utilising its 4 cruise motors and wings, the drone flies like an airplane, making it both energy-efficient and fast. With its 12 hover propellers, the drone can also hover like a helicopter, allowing for precise package pickup and delivery. The multiple propellers also serve as a safety feature, showcasing the redundancy built into the aircraft's design. During delivery, the drone doesn't land; instead, it hovers at approximately 7 metres and gently lowers the package to the ground using a winch system. 

The drone has been flown on three continents with over 350,000 commercial deliveries and thousands more test and simulation flights. Learn more about the Wing drone here

How high do the drones fly?

The drones will fly at a height of approximately 45 metres.

What route will the drone take?

The drones fly from our base location in Dundrum to Blackrock Clinic and St. Vincent’s Private Hospital in South Dublin.

How fast will they get there?

The journeys to these hospitals would typically take anywhere from 15-30 minutes by road, depending on traffic. The drone flight time for the same route is only approximately 3 minutes, with a roundtrip delivery completed in approximately 6 minutes. 

Who will fly the drone?

The drones are highly automated and operate along pre-programmed flight routes. Our flight automation software plans routes that vary constantly. We find this is the best not only for safety and speed but it also allows for limited overhead flight of any particular area. All flights are overseen by a trained Pilot in Command. 

Do you need permission to fly?

Yes, specific category operations require a specific operational authorisation from the relevant civil aviation authority. Any European civil aviation authority can issue this authorisation, but it must be tailored to local conditions and approved by the local authority—in Ireland's case, Wing has received an authorisation from the Irish Aviation Authority.

Additionally, airspace approval is necessary before flying to ensure safe coordination with other airspace users, such as An Garda Síochána, the Irish Defence Forces, Dublin Fire Brigade, and emergency helicopter services. Once the Air Navigation Service Provider (AirNav Ireland in Ireland) is satisfied with the proposed procedures, the Civil Aviation Authority can grant airspace authorisation. Wing has secured all required permissions and authorisations to operate in south Dublin.

Are there specific drone regulations you need to adhere to?

There are several EU rules and regulations ensuring that all drones are subject to Union harmonised safety rules. Drones are regulated by the same authorities as manned aviation (such as passenger planes), ie. by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and, in Ireland, the Irish Aviation Authority (IAA). Professional drone delivery operations, such as Wing’s, are considered ‘specific category’ operations and are already highly regulated by these governmental agencies. Wing follows all applicable rules and regulations.

Can the drone fly in bad weather?

Yes, the drones can tolerate significant rain and wind, up to a point of course! The drones have been used for routine deliveries in the heat of Australia, the cold of Finland, and the rain of Lusk, Ireland. If the weather is so extreme that flights are not possible, the deliveries will be made via conventional means.

Are the drones safe? 

Yes, Wing’s delivery drones are among the safest ways to transport goods; they are safer for the community than having goods delivered by truck or car. There are multiple levels of redundancy built into the drones operations, including real-time systems that conduct health and safety checks on our drones and qualified pilots who oversee operations. The safety of Wing’s aircraft, personnel and operations are rigorously reviewed and all operations can only be undertaken with the approval of the regulators in each country Wing operates. In Ireland, Wing works closely with the Irish Aviation Authority (IAA).

Do the drones have cameras?

Wing’s drones are built from the ground up with the goal of delivering packages – not taking photographs. They’re equipped with low-resolution, black-and-white camera sensors used primarily to assist with navigation and to help ensure the safety and reliability of our operations. There is no live feed of images available to anyone — including the safety pilots supervising flights.

How environmentally friendly is it?

All drones are fully electric and emit zero carbon emissions during flight.

Further information

Who can I talk to for more information?

We’d love to hear from you! 

Alongside the initial preparatory flights, we undertook a period of community engagement in the local area to share more information about this project.

If you’d like to hear more about this, or have any other questions or feedback then we encourage you to reach out to us directly at support-ie@wing.com