2nd Grade!

Second grade is such an important grade! My goal for students this year is to become more independent, and responsible for the work they produce. Students should feel comfortable asking for the assistance they need in order to do THEIR best.

MATH- This curriculum is extremely hands-on and promotes problem solving and critical thinking skills. We are currently working on place value. Specifically, we are learning about fluently adding and subtracting within 20.

SCIENCE - Students will be asked to analyze information and apply it to their own lives and prior knowledge. Our first unit is on plant and animal survival.

READING - We utilize a guided reading model. In this type of lesson, I work with students in a small group setting to best meet their specific strengths and needs. Also, students will be asked to work in cooperative groups with their classmates at various stations. Independent reading stamina is also stressed throughout the year. Our first unit will focus on realistic fiction.

WRITING - Writing is closely tied to our reading and word work lessons. Similar to guided reading, students will be working in small groups at levels and skills that are appropriate for their individual growth needs. Our first unit will focus on realistic fiction.

SOCIAL STUDIES - Social studies covers a wide range of subtopics including geography, history, culture, and government/politics. Students will be asked to make logical connections between each of these areas to develop a stronger understanding of people and events. Our first unit will be on Exploring Where We Are-Map Skills.