
The issue

Before we split into groups, we discussed with partners about accessibility and talked with the class. We even had organizations come in and talked to us about what they do and how it relates to accessibility. That was really important because we started thinking about what type of accessibility we wanted to work in.


This is after we got our groups we started researching our narrowed topics. This was important because we were learning about how this topic impacts people which really helped due to the fact we were going to have to invent something. So we created a brainstorming map with a bunch of different things about accessibility.


In the first part of this stage we started by brainstorming on top of our mind map with 40 different post its that had inventions related to our narrowed topic. That made us keep and keep on thinking about these inventions constantly brainstorming at home or in class. This stage was very important because it was when we started pitching our ideas to our client, which helped us and guided us with feedback and to keep on creating ideas until we hit one we really like.

