
Communication within bus programs

Data on this barrier

A parent at our school states that her child has experienced her bus being late by up to 45 minutes without knowing why the bus was late, or when it would arrive. According to the Acandiana Advocate, after 11 bus drivers didn’t show up to the bus stop without any notification of being late, the school was also unable to tell parents that there would not be a bus on that day. 

Photo Source: Freepik

Photo Source: IStock

The Current System

The system involves a parent who is wondering about the location of their child contacting the dispatcher, who then must contact the driver, who usually does not respond for up to 20 minutes or more.

Our Client

 An interview with our bus director Jeffery Moeller said that communication is one of the biggest issues in the Windward bus system. He is our client. He makes sure the buses are safe, on time, and most importantly, makes sure communication is strong. He knows that communication is an issue among bus drivers and systems. We found him from the emails he sends out for info on our bus, so we decided he was the best person who could give us good options in order to help break the barrier of bus driver communication.

Image Source: Deposit Photos 

 Data collection: 

 Interview daily bus riders and ask them how likely they would use this product on a scale of one to ten, as well as bus drivers and parents of daily bus drivers. Also ask these people how much it would impact stress levels in their daily lives.

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