
My Movie 5.mov

Our Vision:

We envision a future where every student that takes the bus can have a safe, non stressful, and simple bus experience, in which they know where their bus is and whether or not it has broken down or is late. 

Why we care: 

All three of us take the bus every school day and have experienced difficulties with our bus driver not being communicative when there is an issue that is preventing them from picking us up or dropping us off. We want there to be a world where buses will be able to easily report problems for the right people to see so those who do not have information on the status of their bus can have it easily.

Photo Source: Vecteezy

What to find on each page:

Process: On the process page, you can find the five stages of our CBL Project (The issue, Research + Define, Ideate, Test + Iterate + Implement, and Launch) as well as our 3rd vlog that explains what we had been doing in the week leading up to the CBL forum. 

Solution: The solution page explains how our solution works and  what is used to make it, as well as existing solutions, potential budget, a timeline of our product, and ideal partners in our community. In addition, you can find our 2nd vlog that explains how we adjusted and created our solution.

Barriers: This page describes data about bus communication, the current system, how we found our client, collecting data, and our 1st vlog, which describes everything that the page does, just in video form!

About us: This page tells you who we are, how we met, and a form so you can contact us with questions or ideas about our product.