
About our Barrier

Over 100 dogs die, or become sick in the USA due to heat stroke, by being left in a car because owners think that if they roll down the window the dog will be fine. Actually, animals are suffering brain damage, heat stress, physically injured,  suffering heatstroke, and even death. The reason people do this is because dogs and other animals are not allowed in busy places such as supermarkets, indoor restaurants, and movie theaters. If the owner were to leave the car running so that the AC stays on, there is a potential risk that the car would end up running out of gas, being stolen, or broken into. Most owners also are unaware of how hot the  temperature is for a dog, and dogs do not have the ability to open doors when they feel uncomfortable, or able to communicate to their owners. In total, the numbers of dogs dying from heat related incidencices has gone up 3xs in 2023 from 2018 in the US alone. As the number of deaths by heat related incidences increases, subsequently, the number will contionue to rise. 

Want to learn more?

Here are resources with data related to dogs and heat:

This is a link to an aritcal that gives information about dogs death due to heat in the US. The numbers are gone up in the past years, and the number of groups of dogs dying at once has also risen.

This artical shows when it is too hot to walk your dog. It tends to vary depenting on the dog's size.

This is a link to an artical that shows some signs of heatstroke, and how to stop it.

Vlog #

Vlog # 1

February 2, 2024

Vlog #

Vlog #2

February 9, 2024

If you have any questions, please contact us on the contact form on the about us page