about our barrier

Our barrier that we are striving to fix is the accessibility of pets to basic needs. Pets, all around the country, are locked up and bored with nothing to do all day. No toys, heat, etc. This has become a major problem because these pets do deserve to be cared about and get the proper happiness that they need. Almost 10% of dogs in Los Angeles shelters are bored, locked, and cold with nothing to do, and this is cruel. As a group, we have found a partnership to work with who faces this problem often, and we will work with them to fix this promlem within their shelter. We want everyone possible to be happy, so this is what we will work on to help save the pets. Our specific focus is on shelters and animal rescuses.  We as part of society hope to help try to fix this problem, even if it only ends up saving one single life.

vlog 1: A REcap of our first week 

Week 1