Almost Maine

Almost Maine by John Cariani tells the story of love, loss, new beginnings all mixed together with a little winter magic.

Production was produced June 2018 in the Dutton Gym

Directed by Jessa Rowan. Tech and Design by Amanda DeBisschop

"Prologue/Epilogue" with Peter Broussard and Evelyn Swim

"Her Heart," with Abbie Hazelton and Fairen Stark

"Sad and Glad", with Alice Coyne and Sam Thibault

Transition signs by tech, Jacob Bush and Hunter Leavitt

Emma Stover and Sam Thibault

Nick Tolbert as the Janitor

"This Hurts" with Becca Williams and Luke Parker-Jennings

"They Fell" with Emma Kelly and Caroline Mehner

"Getting it Back" with Luke Parker Jennings and Madison Chase

"Where it went" with Kenny Cashman and Dakota Gervais (also performed by Abbie Hazelton.)

"Story of Hope" with Robin Rocher and Fairen Stark

"Seeing the Thing" with Abi Raboin and Adam Culver