Quarter 1

Children are movers. When moving, they are developing physically as well as mentally, socially and emotionally. Students will be participating in a variety of age appropriate games and activities during P.E. class.


  • Movement Exploration / Body Awareness
  • Bean Bag/Scarves Exploration
  • Throwing and Catching
  • Personal and Social Responsibility

PreK4 through 1st Grade

  • Movement Exploration / Body Awareness
  • Bean Bag/Scarves Exploration
  • Throwing and Catching
  • Traveling, Chasing, Dodging, Fleeing
  • Cooperative Games and Activities
  • Personal and Social Responsibility

2nd Grade through 5th Grade

  • Cooperative Games and Activities
  • Throwing and Catching
  • Traveling, Chasing, Dodging, Fleeing
  • Personal and Social Responsibility

Quarter 1 Health Topics

Hydration and Nutrition - age appropriate discussions, activities and games involving the necessity of proper hydration and the importance of food and nutrition.