Call for Participation

WiML Symposium @ ICML 2024

Application is open!

The Women in Machine Learning will be organizing a symposium at ICML 2024. The purpose of the symposium is to bring together researchers who identify as a woman, non-binary and/or gender non-conforming, fostering an environment for constructive discussions on research and career advancement. This year we particularly encourage mid-career researchers that identify as a woman, non-binary and/or gender non-conforming participate and contribute in the symposium! However, everyone, regardless of their career stage or gender, is warmly welcomed to participate and join in the discussions! While the presentations will be led by women, non-binary and/or gender non-conforming individuals,  all genders are invited to attend! 


May 16th, 2024   --  Application Form opens! Apply here.

June 14th, 2024 (Extended) -- Deadline (Anywhere on Earth) to submit a poster, application registration fee funding, or volunteer application 

June 20th, 2024 -- Notification of acceptance for all of the above (midnight Anywhere on Earth)

July 22nd, 2024  -- WiML Poster Session

July 23rd, 2024 -- WiML Evening Social

July 24th, 2024  -- WiML Symposium Day


1. Poster submission

We strongly encourage students, postdocs, and researchers in all areas of machine learning who are women or non-binary to submit a poster (PDF) describing new, previously, or concurrently published research. We welcome submissions in theory, methodology, as well as applications. While the presenting author need not be the first author of the work, we request that the presenting author should be woman or non-binary.

Submissions will be reviewed in a single-blind setting. Authors of accepted posters will be notified and asked to present during our poster session. There are no formal proceedings. This symposium is non-archival, and we welcome work that has been previously published in other venues, as well as work-in-progress. 

Submission instructions:

2. Volunteering: We are seeking volunteers to help with reviewing posters, technical setup and help during the event. You can indicate if you can help in any way in the corresponding section of the application form. Note: We also encourage you to apply for ICML volunteer and funding opportunities, which are separate and independent of WiML funding. Check the ICML website directly for details.

3. Participation instructions: To participate in ANY of the above roles and/or apply for registration fee funding, please fill in the application form by the deadline. If you only wish to attend, we still recommend you fill in this form to provide your topic preferences. All participants are required to abide by the WiML Code of Conduct.

4. Registration fee funding: To apply for funding, you should identify as a woman, non-binary and/or gender non-conforming and commit to participating in the symposium. Due to limited funding, we may not be able to support everyone eligible; however, we hope to support as many eligible applicants as possible. Participants with accepted posters who do not have other sources of registration fee funding will be prioritized for WiML funding. Other participants are also encouraged to apply. In your application, please indicate any funding sources you may have and how WiML's support is needed. Full travel funding may be available for selected participants, but please note that it is still subject to change. 

Further questions? Check out the FAQs ( or reach us at