Invited Speakers
Yixin Wang
Yixin Wang is an LSA Collegiate Fellow and an assistant professor of statistics at the University of Michigan. She works in the fields of Bayesian statistics, machine learning, and causal inference. Her research has received several awards, including the INFORMS data mining best paper award, Blackwell-Rosenbluth Award from the junior section of ISBA, student paper awards from ASA Biometrics Section and Bayesian Statistics Section, and the ICSA conference young researcher award.
Emma Brunskill
Emma Brunskill is an associate professor in the Computer Science Department at Stanford University. Her goal is to create AI systems that learn from few samples to robustly make good decisions, motivated by our applications to healthcare and education. Her work has been honored by early faculty career awards (National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research, Microsoft Research) received several best research paper nominations (CHI, EDMx3) and awards (UAI, RLDM, ITS).
Celestine Mendler-Dünner
Celestine Mendler-Dünner is a research group lead at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen. Her research focuses on the role of society in the study of computation, taking into account actions and reactions of individuals when analyzing and designing algorithmic systems. Prior to joining MPI-IS Celestine was a SNSF postdoctoral fellow at UC Berkeley, and a predoctoral researcher at IBM Research Zurich. She obtained her PhD from ETH Zurich where she was awarded the ETH medal and the Fritz Kutter prize for the academic as well as the industrial impact of her research.