In-Person Mentors

Amy is a postdoctoral scholar at UC Berkeley and a research scientist at Facebook AI Research, and is starting as an assistant professor at UT Austin in the ECE department in Spring 2023. She works on state abstractions, model-based reinforcement learning, representation learning, and generalization in RL.
Lauren is Senior Applied Research Scientist in the Health AI team at Apple.
Celestine is a research group lead at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen. Her research focuses on the role of society in the study of computation, taking into account actions and reactions of individuals when analyzing and designing algorithmic systems.
Cyril is a Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research NYC. His research interests include sequential prediction and decision-making, the theory and practice of optimization (especially in deep learning), and the synthesis of these topics (especially in language models).
Surbhi is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Microsoft Research NYC. In Spring 2023, she will be starting as the Magerman Term Assistant Professor of Computer and Information Science at University of Pennsylvania. Prior to this, she received her Ph.D. from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Texas at Austin where she was advised by Adam Klivans. Her work lies at the intersection of machine learning and theoretical computer science, with a focus on developing the statistical and computational foundations of modern machine learning paradigms.
Max is a postdoc in Russ Tedrake's group at MIT. His recent work has focused on the theoretical foundations of online control and reinforcement learning, with past research ranging broadly across topics in adaptive sampling, multi-arm bandits, complexity of convex and non-convex optimization, and fairness in machine learning. He is currently interested in developing rigorous, theoretical guarantees for nonlinear control, wherever possible.
Ioana is a rising fifth-year PhD student at the University of Oxford and at the Alan Turing Institute, advised by Prof. Mihaela van der Schaar. Her research focuses on building machine learning methods for improving and understanding decision making.
Kumar is a Data Science and Analytics Lead at Amazon Prime video. He strives to solve complex business problems using advanced Machine Learning Algorithms, and has 10+ years of overall experience across multiple sectors.

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