How do I participate to the un-workshop?

Start with filling the application form, especially if you are interested in presenting! The workshop will take place on July 28th 2023, co-located with ICML at the Hawaii Convention Centre in Honolulu. We will give more details nearer to the event.

Does registering for the WiML un-workshop also mean I'm registered for ICML? 

Unfortunately not. You would still need to register separately for ICML – their registration process can be found here.  You should only register to ICML if you are interested in attending ICML activities beyond WiML un-workshop. 

What does un-workshop mean?

The un-workshop is based on the concept of an un-conference, a form of discussion on a pre-selected topic that is primarily driven by participants. Please check our Call for Participation for more details!

How much travel funding is available?

We will be able to sponsor the ICML registration fee for selected participants. Please fill the application form to apply for funding!

How do I reach the WiML network?

Use our mailing list.

How can I sponsor WiML?

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring WiML! See this page for more information.

I am a man. Can I attend WiML un-workshop?

Yes. Allies are welcome to attend! Note, however, that all speakers and poster presenters will primarily identify as women, nonbinary, or gender-nonconforming, as our goal is to promote them and their work within the machine learning community.

What are the mentorship roundtables?

We will update the format of this year's Sponsor Roundtable closer to the event!

Is WiML an archival venue?

No, WiML is a non-archival venue. Moreover, the un-workshop format does not include paper submissions. Check the Call for Participation to learn how to contribute to the un-workshop!

Is there a Code of Conduct?

Yes, you can find it here .

I have a question that isn't answered here. How do I reach you?

We receive a lot of email. Help us help you by reaching out through the appropriate channels.

If you email us, don’t cc multiple email addresses — this saves us time routing your email to one mailbox, and reduces the chances of your email getting lost. Thank you in advance!

We organize events and run programs to support women in the field of machine learning.

WiML Code of Conduct: https://wimlworkshop.org/conduct/