Articles of the Week


In North Carolina, approximately 22% of adults have poor reading and writing skills that seriously affect their lives - and the lives of those in their families. In addition, 50% of high school graduates do not possess the skills necessary for basic employment.

Literacy skills are essential life skills, and we are committed to helping you improve. And just like playing a sport or musical instrument, you get better with practice! You will regularly receive non-fiction Articles of the Week (AOWs) and be required to read, take notes, and write short reflections showing that you're thinking about what you read. Be prepared to discuss your ideas in the classroom too, because developing speaking and listening skills is also an important part of the Language Arts curriculum. The articles we select are sometimes about current events and other times about controversial topics or things we know you'll find interesting!

Some AOWs will be hard copy, or "on paper," and other AOWs will be online texts. While many people find reading challenging texts is easier on paper, where they can annotate and mark up the page with notes, online text is becoming more common. It is readily available and environmentally friendly. We know that comprehending challenging online text requires different reading strategies. You will learn some tips and strategies for both types of text.

When you receive your AOW on a Monday, you will have time to read it during bellwork. All annotations, questions, and reflections will be due the following Friday.


AOW Dates