Girls on the Run

Girls on the Run is a national organization that "inspires girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running." Female students in grades 3rd, 4th and 5th that exhibit excellence in character are welcome to participate!

Over an eight-week period, students learn to make healthier choices, build a greater sense of confidence, and practice their athletic skills through a commitment to running. At the end of a running season, students participate in a local 5k race!

Students are required to have appropriate running shoes (no Chuck Taylors or flat soled shoes, please), a reliable ride for the 5:00 PM pickup time, and a positive attitude! Students may miss no more than 2 practices. More than 2 missed practices will result in students being let go from their running group.

This program is run in collaboration with the Wilson Family YMCA. For more information, click here.


  1. No more than 2 practices missed. More than 2 unexplained absences will result in dismissal from the team.

  2. We practice PAWSitive behaviors at ALL TIMES.

  3. We treat others with respect at ALL TIMES.

  4. Stay on task.

  5. Always try and do your best.

Here's a sneak peek at how Girls on the Run looks!