Buddy Reading

Program Description

Buddy Reading is a reading program designed to match younger K-2nd Little Buddies with 3rd-5th grade Big Buddies. The students meet in the Library/Computer Lab three mornings a week to read together. Big Buddies are trained with literacy techniques that will help improve their Little Buddies' reading skills, while Little Buddies are trained on how to be good partners and hard workers. Big Buddies record every reading session with their Little Buddies on their Chromebooks using the Screencastify extension. On their 3rd meeting each week, buddies watch the videos together and think about what they did really well that week and what they would like to improve upon the following week. Below you will find copies of the Buddy Reader contracts and Literacy Strategies bookmarks used for this program.

Big Buddy Contract

Copy of I Will Big Buddy Statements

Little Buddy Contract

Copy of I Will Little Buddy Statements

Reading Strategies