Welcome to Ms. Jennings' Website!

"The more that you read, the more things you will know.

The more that you learn, the more places you will go." - Dr. Seuss

Welcome to my class page! You can click on the tabs above to learn more about me, gain information about the courses I teach, and get into direct contact with me.

"The drive to 25!"

Class Announcements:

  1. Updated Website: Webpage visitors- Below, you will find a copy of our English I pacing guide and state standards. The standards we cover each quarter are broken up by week. If you need further details on the standards we are covering, the state standards page will expand on what we are covering. 10/24
  2. Reminder: The English I and English I: Pre-AP calendars are uploaded to their specific tabs. Each calendar have due dates unique to their classes.
Copy of English 1 Scope and Sequence At-a-Glance 2017-2018
Copy of Copy of ELA Standards 9-12.docx