Library Policies
2017-2018 Library Procedures
All students must sign into the library scanning their ID card as soon as they enter the library. Students cannot sign another student into the library.
After students have signed in they will find a seat at the tables.
*Students may sign out a Chromebook with Mrs. Browne immediately and take their seat at a table or a designated computer work station.
There is no cell phone use in the library during classes or study hall unless prompted by a teacher or Mrs. Browne. Students will receive one redirection, and if they continue to take out their cell phones, they will lose library privileges.
Students are to sit at their seat for the entire study hall and be working on school work quietly.
Students may work in groups with others as permitted by Mrs. Browne.
Students will remain seated and working until the bell rings. Students must push in their chairs and clean up their area before leaving the library.
Students will sign in and out on the sign out clipboard before they leave the library. Hall passes are only for locker and bathroom use only. Students need to ask for a written pass if they need to go to the office, guidance, nurse or any other location.
Chromebooks are to be used for academic work and academic research only. Students may check email for academic purposes; this may include accessing a paper, accessing project documents and checking email responses from colleges or career opportunities. Social networking and gaming of any type is not permitted.
Backpacks are not permitted on library tables. All backpacks should remain on the floor or on unused library chairs.
All school rules apply in the library including no food or drink, no cell phones, no headphones, no damaging school property and having your ID on your person at all times.
Library Consequences
Failure to follow library policies will result in removal from the library (back to study hall in the caf).
If students are found not following library or school policies they will be given one verbal warning, followed by removal from the library and reporting directly to assigned study hall or classroom with a written pass.
1st: Removal from the library for one week.
2nd: Removal from the library, teacher detention and removal from the library for one week.
3rd: Removal from the library, office referral and removal from the library for the rest of the quarter. (or at administrator's discretion).
Students will receive a teacher detention or office referral for excessive talking/disturbances, tampering with Chromebooks or using the Chromebooks incorrectly, out of area/cutting, disrespect of library staff or other students, or repeated cell phone use.
Library Resources
Students must check out books before leaving the library.
Students may check out two books for three weeks at a time. Students will not be allowed to check out additional books if they have any overdue books.
Students may renew books three times.
Reference books can be checked out overnight.
Students can check out Chromebooks for one night only. Chromebooks must be returned the following morning. They only hold 9 hours of charge.
Students are responsible for any materials checked out under their name.
Students are responsible for any damaged or lost library materials.