Noteworthy News

Dark Skies - 

An Inspired Report

Lily is a 6th grade student at Highcrest Middle School who recently completed the IGS (Integrated Global Studies) course. IGS is a project-based, student-led creative arts class that centers around current global issues. The overwhelming student interest in environmental global issues in IGS has led to the development of the Green Team, an extra-curricular club for students who want to raise environmental awareness, create a more sustainable school environment, and inspire other Highcrest students to action. 



Our educational grade solar panels are up and running! Each school hosted a "solarbration" in Spring of 2023 to celebrate this momentous occasion for our district. These solar panels will be used to support and enhance the curriculum and to promote sustainability. Head to the Education & Outreach page to see up to date information about each solar panel. 

Check out the PTO/PTA Websites for specific school updates! 
