Town Manager's Report

July 8, 2021

To: Williamstown Select Board

From: Charlie Blanchard, Town Manager

Re: Town Manager’s Report July 12, 2021

1. Chief Ziemba began a review WPD polices last year in preparation for applying for Certification and Accreditation of the Department in the future. He has gone through approximately 170 policies from Great Barrington’s Policies and Procedures (a Department that recently became Accredited) and revised about 120 of our policies that needed updating. He will be at tonight’s meeting to discuss this with the Board.

2. Six bids ranging from a low of $107,000 to a high of $242,950 were received for the erosion control work along the Hoosic River. Chris Lemoine has sent them to our engineer for evaluation and hopes to award the work this week in order to keep the project on schedule.

3. The documents to purchase the streetlights have been signed and sent back to National Grid for their review and acceptance. Plans are being made for the July 20th public meeting to explain the project details and the streetlighting options available to the Town.

4. I met with Jen James and Kerri Nicoll to review the status of the Community Wellness and Safety Assessment project and to discuss their estimate of what will be required in order to complete the work with the 18-month schedule that began with Jen’s hiring last February. I hope to have a report for the Board on this within the next few weeks.