Williamstown Independent Schools
Gifted and Talented Resources
Welcome to Williamstown's Gifted and Talented Webpage!
“Creativity seems to emerge from multiple experiences, coupled with a well-supported development of personal resources, including a sense of freedom to venture beyond the known.” ~ Loris Malaguzzi
Primary Talent Pool
Our PTP is for K-3 students and this program focuses on enrichment through creative thinking, ideation, and exploration. Classes begin with a whole class game, idea exploration, or task, and all PTP classes have built in Maker Space time. This is their time to work through ideas or questions that they may have in their regular classroom using a wide variety of materials. The classroom offers art materials, tools, technical supplies, informational books, and the gift of time. Gifted students often need just time to think and create in order to continue growth.
Fourth and Fifth Grade
Fourth and Fifth graders meet once a week to explore student selected topics, Maker Space ideas, and problem solving. We study what it means to be neurodivergent and work on communication and leadership skills. Fourth and Fifth graders are also welcome to join our Academic Team.
Middle School
Middle school enrichment classes are built around Project Based Learning. Students are given choices in their learning experiences and support for their formal talents. This year we worked on Game Design, Coding, Ciphering, Forensic Science, Global and Environmental Issues, National Parks, Engineering Principles, and Recreational Mathematics. Work from this class has been featured at the Cincinnati Art Museum, KET Young Authors, All State, Northern Kentucky University, and we currently have a video game submission and character creation entered in a global challenge.
We also have a highly competitive Academic Team as well as other club offerings that support the gifted learner in middle school.
High School
The high school program offers Dual Credit classes, extensive extracurricular activities, support for GSA, GSP, and GSE programs, and opportunities to participate in state and national competitions.